
Submissions from 2025


Dataset for comparative analysis of precision metagenomics and traditional methods in urinary tract infection diagnostics, Rob E. Carpenter, Sadia Almas, Vaibhav Tamrakar, and Rahul Sharma

Submissions from 2024


Advancing Clinical Microbiology: Applications and Future of Next-Generation Sequencing, Rob E. Carpenter


Beyond Standard Urine Culture: Advanced Molecular Testing for Urinary Tract Infections, Rob E. Carpenter


Navigating the new norm: The FDA’s final rule on laboratory developed tests (LDTs) and its impact on clinical laboratory operations, Rob E. Carpenter


Neuroscience and Organizational Trust: Biological Mechanisms for Enhanced Learning, Rob E. Carpenter


(Semi)automated approaches to data extraction for systematic reviews and meta-analyses in social sciences: A living review, Amanda Legate, Kim Nimon, and Ashlee Noblin


Exploring the Adoption Phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence by Doctoral Students Within Doctoral Education, Joey Oliveira, Tim Murphy, Ginger Vaughn, Salim Elfahim, and Rob E. Carpenter


Examining the predictive validity of a managerial coaching scale: a longitudinal study, Katherine Stone, Kim Nimon, and Andrea D. Ellinger


A validated method for non-invasive urine collection in sodium polyacrylate-based diapers for PCR detection of uropathogens, Tyler Vine, Rob E. Carpenter, and Debbie Bridges

Submissions from 2023


Advantage of precision metagenomics for urinary tract infection diagnostics, Sadia Almas, Rob E. Carpenter, Chase Rowan, Vaibhav Tamrakar, and Rahul Sharma


Deciphering microbiota of acute upper respiratory infections: A comparative analysis of PCR and mNGS methods for lower respiratory trafficking potential, Sadia Almas, Rob E. Carpenter, Anuradha Singh, Chase Rowan, Vaibhav Tamrakar, and Rahul Sharma


Plasma Drug Testing for D and L Isomers of Amphetamine and Methamphetamine by Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry with a Range of 2.5 to 1000 ng/mL, Rob E. Carpenter


Adopting Virtual Reality for Education: Exploring Teachers' Perspectives on Readiness, Opportunities, and Challenges, Rob E. Carpenter, Rochell McWhorter, and Katherine Stone


Optimization of the Illumina COVIDSeq™ protocol for decentralized, cost-effective genomic surveillance, Rob E. Carpenter, Vaibhav Tamrakar, Sadia Almas, Aditya Sharma, Chase Rowan, and Rahul Sharma


SARS-CoV-2 Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data from clinical isolates from the East Texas Region of the United States, Rob E. Carpenter, Vaibhav K. Tamrakar, and Advanta Genetics


The Ideal Review Process Is a Three-Way Street, Andrea D. Ellinger, Patrik Johnson, Karen Chapman, and Alexander E. Ellinger


(Semi)automated approaches to data extraction for systematic reviews and meta-analyses in social sciences: A living review protocol, Amanda Legate and Kim Nimon


Virtual Human Resource Development: Definitions, Challenges, and Opportunities, Rochell McWhorter


Quantifying 64 drugs, illicit substances, and D- and L- isomers in human oral fluid with liquid-liquid extraction, Brian Robbins, Rob E. Carpenter, Mary Long, and Jacob Perry


Analysis of D- and L- Isomers of (Meth)amphetamine in Human K2EDTA Plasma, Brian Robbins, Jacob Perry, Mary Long, and Rob E. Carpenter


Using Classification of Instructional Program Codes in HRD: Invited Reaction, Paul B. Roberts


Weaving Layers of Learning: Multiplex Learning Networks in the Workplace, Sangok Yoo, John Turner, Kim Nimon, and Bisola Adepoju

Submissions from 2022


Enhanced numeracy skills following team-based learning in United States pharmacy students: a longitudinal cohort study, Rob E. Carpenter, Leanne Coyne, Dave Silberman, and Jody Takemoto


Confirming Multiplex RT-qPCR Use in COVID-19 with Next-Generation Sequencing: Strategies for Epidemiological Advantage, Rob E. Carpenter, Vaibhav Tamrakar, Harendra Chahar, Tyler Vine, and Rahul Sharma


COVIDSeq as Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) for Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOC), Rob E. Carpenter, Vaibhav K. Tamrakar, Sadia Almas, Emily Brown, and Rahul Sharma


A Human Oral Fluid Assay for D- and L- Isomer Detection of Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Using Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Brian Robbins, Rob E. Carpenter, Mary Long, and Jacob Perry


Using Extreme Pedagogy toEnhance Entrepreneurship Education, Dave Silberman, Herman Aguinis, and Rob E. Carpenter


Organizational silofication: implications in grouping experts for organizational performance, Dave Silberman, Rob E. Carpenter, Elena Cabrera, and Jasmine Kernaleguen

Submissions from 2021


Editorial: Semantic Algorithms in the Assessment of Attitudes and Personality, Jan Ketil Arnulf, Kai R. Larson, Oyvind Lund Martinsen, and Kim F. Nimon


Virtual HRD’s Role in Crisis and the Post Covid-19 Professional Lifeworld: Accelerating Skills for Digital Transformation, Elisabeth E. Bennett and Rochell McWhorter


Learning as cognition: a developmental process for organizational learning, Rob E. Carpenter


Working against the clock: A model for rural STEMI triage, Rob E. Carpenter, Rochell McWhorter, Shirl Donaldson, Dave Silberman, and Steve Maffei


Transforming Prescription Opioid Practices in Primary Care With Change Theory, Rob E. Carpenter, Dave Silberman, and Jody Takemoto


The Rise of eSports: Insights Into the Perceived Benefits and Risks for College Students, Julie A. Delello, Rochell McWhorter, Paul Roberts, Hunter S. Dockery, Tonia De Giuseppe, and Felice Corona


Chief Executive Officers’ Perceptions of Collective Organizational Engagement and Patient Experience in Acute Care Hospitals, Mary Lynn Lunn, Andrea D. Ellinger, Kim F. Nimon, and Jonathon RB Halbesleben


MOWDOC: A Dataset of Documents From Taking the Measure of Work for Building a Latent Semantic Analysis Space, Kim Nimon

Submissions from 2020


The Priest, the Sex Worker, and the CEO: Measuring Motivation by Job Type, Jan Ketil Arnulf, Kim Nimon, Kai Rune Larsen, and Christiane V. Hovland


A Faculty-Friendly Framework for Improving Teaching and Learning through Service-Learning, Belinda Deal, Melinda Hermanns, Colleen Marzilli, Rebecca Fountain, Kouider Mokhtari, and Rochell McWhorter


Engaging nursing students and older adults through service-learning, Christine S. Gipson, Julie A. Delello, and Rochell McWhorter


Entrepreneur narcissism and unethical pro-organizational behaviour: an examination of mediated-moderation model, Ming-Chuan Yu, Greg G. Wang, Xiao-Tao Zheng, and Wei-Jin Shi

Submissions from 2019


Why are corporations willing to take on public CSR? An organizational traits approach, Yun Liu, Greg G. Wang, and Yu Chen

Submissions from 2018


Reliability generalization for the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire: A meta-analytic view of reliability estimates, David F. Holland, Amanda Kraha, Linda R. Zientek, Kim Nimon, Julia A. Fulmore, Ursula Y. Johnson, Hector F. Ponce, Mariya Gavrilova Aguilar, and Robin K. Henson

Submissions from 2017


HRDQ Submissions of Quantitative Research Reports: Three Common Comments in Decision Letters and a Checklist, Kim Nimon


The online student connectedness survey: Initial evidence of construct validity, Tekeisha Denise Zimmerman and Kim Nimon

Submissions from 2016


What Will the HRDQ Future Be: When One Turns Into Three?, Valerie Anderson, Kim Nimon, and Jon Werner


A primer for conducting survey research using MTurk: Tips for the field, Silvana Chambers, Kim Nimon, and Paula Anthony-McMann


Giving Back: Exploring Service-Learning in an Online Learning Environment, Rochell McWhorter, Julie A. Delello, and Paul B. Roberts


Methods matter: Call for research methods submissions, Kim Nimon


All–possible–subsets for MANOVA and factorial MANOVAs: Alternative to the weekend project, Kim Nimon, Linda Reichwein Zientek, and Amanda Kraha

Submissions from 2015


The Life of a Professor: Stress and Coping, Julie A. Delello, Rochell R. McWhorter, Shelly L. Marmion, Kerri M. Camp, Joanna Neel, K.M. Everling, and Colleen Marzilli


Exploring the Perceptions of College Students on the Use of Technology: What Do They Really Think?, Colleen Erin Marzilli, Julie A. Delello, Shelly Marmion, and Rochell McWhorter


Improving the rigor of quantitative HRD research: Four recommendations in support of the general hierarchy of evidence, Kim Nimon and Marina Astakhova


Investigating bias in squared structure coefficients, Kim Nimon, Linda Reichwein Zientek, and Bruce Thompson


Updated perspectives on educational diagnosticians’ understanding of reading assessments, Jessica A. Rueter, Rochell R. McWhorter, John H. Lamb, and Frank O. Dykes

Submissions from 2011


Going Virtual: Delivering Nanotechnology Safety Education on the Web, Dominick E. Fazarro, Heshium R. Lawrence, and Rochell R. McWhorter


Leveraging Green Computing for Increased Viability and Sustainability, Dominick Fazarro and Rochell R. McWhorter