Submissions from 2024
Advancing Ocean Sustainability for Climate-Resilient Change, Teresa J. Kennedy
Ocean Decade Manual for Non-Governmental Organizations, Teresa J. Kennedy, O. Dufourneaud, Maria Pamela Castillo, Samantha Deane, Johann Durand, Thalassia Giaccone, Somei Jonda, Tara Mascarenhas, Cretus Mtonga, Kathleen Ng, Sarah Palazot, Sourav Paul, Erik Ross Salazar, Raymunco Santisteban, Xu Shuwen, Alexandre Silva, Vivienne Solis Rivera, Hilligje van’t Land, and Yifan Zhou
Submissions from 2023
Working Across Boundaries: School Leaders Redefining Communities of Practice Through Twitter, Jennifer Bailey, Forrest Kaiser, Ron Rhone, and Stephanie Atchley
#TeacherQuitTok: A content analysis of how current and former teachers navigate attrition on TikTok, Forrest J. Kaiser
Social Emotional Learning Practices and Learning Spaces, Yanira Oliveras, Dalane Bouillion, and Sara Koprowski
Teacher Efficacy and Intentionally Designed Learning Spaces, Yanira Oliveras, VLK Architects, and Christopher L. Thomas
Handedness and test anxiety: An examination of mixed-handed and consistent-handed students, Christopher L. Thomas and Savannah B. Fitch
Submissions from 2022
Identifying the Research and Trends in STEM Education in Pakistan: A Systematic Literature Review, Sarfraz Aslam, Atif Saleem, Teresa J. Kennedy, Tribhuwan Kumar, Khalida Parveen, Huma Akram, and BaoHui Zhang
Age- and sex-based differences in the moral intuitions of American early adolescents, Brandon Bretl and Marlon Goering
Librarian-Faculty Collaboration for Literacy Courses: Promoting Better Learning for Preservice Teachers, Annamary Consalvo, Gina M. Doepker, Vandy Dubre, and Joanna L. Neel Dr.
Using the annotating strategy to improve students' academic achievement in social studies, Zena T. Lloyd, Daesang Kim, J. T. Cox, Gina M. Doepker, and Steven E. Downey
Advancing Algebra Achievement Using Affordances of Classroom Connectivity Technology: The Case for Noticing through Discussion, Stephen J. Pape, Yasemin Gunpinar, Ranjini Mahinda JohnBull, and Clare V. Bell
Submissions from 2021
The Rise of eSports: Insights Into the Perceived Benefits and Risks for College Students, Julie A. Delello, Rochell McWhorter, Paul Roberts, Hunter S. Dockery, Tonia De Giuseppe, and Felice Corona
Validation of the State Version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory in a University Sample, Christopher L. Thomas and Jerrell C. Cassady
Teacher perceptions of skills, knowledge, and resources needed to promote social and emotional learning in rural classrooms, Staci M. Zolkoski, Samantha Estrada Aguilera, Erin M. West, Gary J. Miller, Jessica M. Holm, Sarah Sass, and Eric Stocks
Submissions from 2020
A Faculty-Friendly Framework for Improving Teaching and Learning through Service-Learning, Belinda Deal, Melinda Hermanns, Colleen Marzilli, Rebecca Fountain, Kouider Mokhtari, and Rochell McWhorter
Teachers' Instructional Decisions and Student Agency in new Purposefully Designed Learning Spaces, Yanira Oliveras Ortiz, Dalane Bouillion, and Lizzy Asbury
Preventing Stress Among Undergraduate Learners: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, and Emotion Regulation, Christopher L. Thomas and Staci Zolkoski
Submissions from 2019
Crafting Communities of Writers: Advice from Teens, Ann D. David, Annamary Consalvo, and Amy Vetter
“I Found Myself Retweeting”: Using Twitter Chats to Build Professional Learning Networks, Julie A. Delello and Annamary L. Consalvo
The impact of PBL as a STEM school reform model, Michael R.L. Odell, Teresa J. Kennedy, and Eric Stocks
Employing a Community of Inquiry Framework to Understand Graduate Students' Perceptions of Supports in Asynchronous Online Courses Focused on Assessment, Jessica Rueter, Frank Dykes, and Stephanie Masters
Predicting Academic Help-Seeking Intentions Using the Reasoned Action Model, Christopher Thomas and Michael J. Tagler
Submissions from 2018
Teaching for Deep Learning in a Second Grade Literacy Classroom, Treavor Bogard, Annamary Consalvo, and Jo Worthy
Revising the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies Inventory (MARSI) and Testing for Factorial Invariance, Kouider Mokhtari, Dimiter M. Dimitrov, and Carla A. Reichard
Submissions from 2016
Giving Back: Exploring Service-Learning in an Online Learning Environment, Rochell McWhorter, Julie A. Delello, and Paul B. Roberts
The Contribution of Morphological Knowledge to 7th Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension Performance, Kouider Mokhtari, Joanna Neel, Abbey Matatall, and Andrea Richards
Looking Through the Webcam Lens: Reflections on Moving Assessment Courses from Face-to-Face to Online, Jessica Rueter and Frank Dykes
Submissions from 2015
A personal journey to merge literacy education and multicultural teacher education, Gina M. Doepker
White multicultural voices in Southern universities: An overview, Gina M. Doepker and Steven Chamberlain
Fourth and Fifth Amendment Decisions: Students and Constitutional Rights, Larry L. Kraus and Robert L. Stevens
Assessing the Promise of a Supplemental Reading Intervention for At-Risk First Grade Students in a Public School Setting, Kouider Mokhtari, Joanna Neel, Forrest Kaiser, and Hong-Hai Le
Updated perspectives on educational diagnosticians’ understanding of reading assessments, Jessica A. Rueter, Rochell R. McWhorter, John H. Lamb, and Frank O. Dykes
Submissions from 2014
Limitations of Communication, Alfonso Ilipollito and Robert L. Stevens
Submissions from 2013
Fostering Presence in Online Discussion, Julie A. Delello, Kathleen M. Everling, Rochell McWhorter, and Heshium Lawrence
Something to Talk About:Lessons of Language and Literacy from a Tutorial Pilot Program, Joanna Neel
Submissions from 2012
Peeking Inside Pandora’s Box: One University’s Journey into the Redesign of Teacher Educator Preparation, Frank Dykes, Brenda K. Gilliam, Joanna Neel, and Kathleen Everling
Academic Freedom for Teachers, Larry L. Kraus and Robert L. Stevens
Vocabulary and Syntactic Knowledge Factors in 5th Grade Students' Reading Comprehension, Kouider Mokhtari and Dale S. Niederhauser
Submissions from 2011
An examination of the metacognitive reading strategies used by native speakers of Arabic when reading in English and Arabic, Negmeldin O. Alsheikh and Kouider Mokhtari
Preserving Adolescent Readership through Interest and Motivation, Gina M. Doepker and Evan Ortlieb
Submissions from 2010
Evidence-based behavioral objectives, Jessica A. Rueter and J. Trice
Submissions from 2009
Recommendations of evidence-based strategies, Jessica A. Rueter and L. Kinnsion
Hits and myths of cross battery assessment, T. L. Stephens and Jessica A. Rueter
Submissions from 2007
Social Justice: Choice or Necessity?, Colleen Swain and David Edyburn
Submissions from 2002
Improving Traditional Teaching Using Findings from Distance Education, Colleen Swain