School of Education | University of Texas at Tyler Research | Scholar Works at UT Tyler

The School of Education has four undergraduate degree plans that will prepare you to serve students and their communities as a professional educator. They are a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies - Early Childhood through Grade 6 Certification, a Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies -Grades 4 - 8 Certification, a Bachelor's degree in a specific content area -Grades 7-12 Certification, and an All-Level (EC-12) Certification for the fields of art, health, music, and physical education, Spanish, Special Education (in conjunction with EC-6 Generalist).

Graduate programs include Master's of Education Degrees in Curriculum and Instruction, Reading Education, and Special Education. A post-baccalaureate teacher certification program is also offered for early childhood, middle level, and secondary teachers.


Browse the School of Education Collections:

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations

Education Faculty Publications and Presentations

Education Theses and Dissertations