Event Title
International Schooling in the United States: A Descriptive Study of a Burgeoning Industry
Start Date
3-2-2021 4:10 PM
End Date
3-2-2021 5:40 PM
Date of Publication
February 2021
Document Type
An exploratory study in nature, the study seeks to describe the current landscape of international schooling inside the U.S. Additional research in this field is necessary, especially that dedicated to studying North America as a region.
Education, North America
Administration, Discussant: Audrey Meador
Persistent Identifier
- Usage
- Abstract Views: 14
International Schooling in the United States: A Descriptive Study of a Burgeoning Industry
An exploratory study in nature, the study seeks to describe the current landscape of international schooling inside the U.S. Additional research in this field is necessary, especially that dedicated to studying North America as a region.