Scholar Works at UT Tyler - Southwest Educational Research Association – 44th Annual Meeting: International Schooling in the United States: A Descriptive Study of a Burgeoning Industry

Event Title

International Schooling in the United States: A Descriptive Study of a Burgeoning Industry

Start Date

3-2-2021 4:10 PM

End Date

3-2-2021 5:40 PM

Date of Publication

February 2021

Document Type



An exploratory study in nature, the study seeks to describe the current landscape of international schooling inside the U.S. Additional research in this field is necessary, especially that dedicated to studying North America as a region.


Education, North America


Administration, Discussant: Audrey Meador

Persistent Identifier


Feb 3rd, 4:10 PM Feb 3rd, 5:40 PM

International Schooling in the United States: A Descriptive Study of a Burgeoning Industry

An exploratory study in nature, the study seeks to describe the current landscape of international schooling inside the U.S. Additional research in this field is necessary, especially that dedicated to studying North America as a region.