
The Improvement Science Dissertation in Practice conducted a comprehensive assessment of differentiated instruction implemented within a school district in East Texas, focusing on its impact on student achievement in mathematics. The initial evaluation was followed by a subsequent improvement iteration that concentrated on the specific differentiated instructional strategies of formative assessment and small group instruction, supported by job-embedded professional learning, and their effects on student performance. Both iterations employed a mixed-methods case study design utilizing an embedded experimental model with a one-phase approach. The study’s methodology allowed for a robust analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data, providing a comprehensive understanding of the instructional interventions. The findings from the initial iteration indicated a positive impact on student achievement, demonstrating the potential efficacy of differentiated instruction. However, the second iteration revealed a decline in student achievement, underscoring the complexities of sustaining instructional improvements over time. Moreover, the data underscored the critical need for targeted professional development focused on instructional strategies. While the initial application of differentiated instructional strategies showed promise, the subsequent decline in achievement points to the importance of continuous professional development and support for educators. This study underscores the dynamic nature of instructional improvement and the need for ongoing efforts to refine and enhance teaching practices.

Date of publication


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Committee members

Dr. Michael Odell, Dr. Wesley Hickey, Dr. Gary Miller



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