
This manuscript is an improvement science dissertation in practice spanning two years. This study evaluated the impact of a pull-out intervention model and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) technology on a rural East Texas English as a Second Language (ESL) program and its impact on English Language Learners (ELLs). An evaluation study occurred within the first year and an evaluation of an intervention study was conducted in the second. The studies were conducted with ESL teachers who agreed to participate and were given qualitative and quantitative surveys to complete regarding ESL instruction self-efficacy, effective teaching characteristics, and the Summit K12 software program. These surveys were used to understand the teacher’s perspectives of the program as well as gauge the impacts of the program. Data from the TELPAS and Summit K12 usage reports were analyzed. The results from the evaluation cycle indicated that the pull-out services were increasing academic scores and impacting language proficiency scores at nearly a medium effect size. Implementation of the intervention, Summit K12, resulted in no significant impact on TELPAS scores. Continuing work would need ESL INTERVENTION, CALL, AND L2 ACQUISITION 5 to occur to collect data for recommendations of future studies as well as to study any impact on the educational field on a larger scale.

Date of publication

Summer 7-19-2024

Document Type




Persistent identifier


Committee members

Dr. Teresa Kennedy, Dr. Yanira Oliveras, Dr. Brandon Bretl


Educational Doctorate in School Improvement

Included in

Education Commons



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