"The UT Tyler Patriot Vol. 14 no. 6" by University of Texas at Tyler



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler from 1979 to 1993. Articles in this issue include: Lecture Series Hosts Mexican Author; Computer Aids Skill in Job-Interviewing; Continuing Education Gets Local Help; Campus Police Seek Help, Warn Students; State Declares April 21 Holiday; Teachers Prepare for EXCET Test; Springfest Offers Annual Festivities to Welcome Summer Relaxation; Student Life Reveals Past; Students Squeeze Into Summer; Security Guard Honors Two Texas Birthdays; Israeli Professor Visits Campus; Please Louise; ACM Gives Computer Help; Registrar's Assistant Sends Students Away With a Smile; Patriot Profile; Accounting Major is Honored; Learning Lab Moves; ACS Holds Magic Show; TECAT Examinations Help Point Out Pluses and Minuses for State Teachers; Firing Line; Oil Palace Less than 'Fabulous'; Women's Tennis Unbeaten with Three Matches to be Played; Men's Tennis Team Qualifies to Play National Tournament

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University of Texas at Tyler


Distinguished Lecture Series; Sister Cities council; Sesquicentetennial Day; Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas; Student Association; Springfest; Student Life Committee; Association of Computing Machinery; American Chemical Society; Teacher Examination of Current Administrators and Teachers

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The UT Tyler Patriot Vol. 14 no. 6



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