Student Newspapers | University of Texas at Tyler Research | Scholar Works at UT Tyler

The UT Tyler student newspaper has run from 1973 to present. As the University name has changed, and mascots have changed, so has the name of the student newspaper.

The Tyler Statesman ran from Spring 1973 - March 1976.

The Patriot ran from May 1976 - May 1977, and that name was picked up again in August 1993 - April 2004.

The Texas Eastern Patriot ran from September 1977 - April 1979.

The UT Tyler Patriot ran from September 1979 - April 1993.

The Patriot Talon ran from August 2004 - present day.


Browse the Student Newspapers Collections:

The Patriot Talon/The Patriot

The Patriot/Texas Eastern Patriot

The Tyler Statesman

The UT Tyler Patriot