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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler from 1979 to 1993. Articles in this issue include: Kissenger: 'Nice' Doesn't Make Foreign Policy; UTT Computer to Link Business; Admissions Up 1.2% for Fall Semester; 150 Tickets Mark End of Grace; Toxic Waste Plant Seeks Permit; Waste Disposal Leaves Questions Unanswered; Ticket Crisis Handled Well; Lawmakers Losing Sight of Ethics; Writer 'Types' Characters; Tour Emphasizes 'Prison Life'; Hicks Advises Student Teachers on Orientation; Student Nurses Provide Care in Wellness Center Project; Coach Kniffen Talks Tennis; Oberg Wins Hollytree Doubles Event; Student Urges Skiers to Join New Club; Campus Connections; Equipment Available; Club Plans Ski Trip; Officers Chosen; Nominations Due; Alpha Chi Names VIPs; Alumni Sets Goals; BSO Elects Officers; AA Comes to Campus; Faculty Artists Display Works; Clubs Offer Religious Fun; Computers Make Good Business; Faculty Senate Selects Officers
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University of Texas at Tyler
Lone Star Technologies; Pine Ridge Thermal Oxidation and Energy Recovery Plant; Environmental Protection Agency; Texas Department of Corrections facility BETO I; Wellness Center Project; Eisenhower International Golf Classic; Business Student Organization; UT Tyler Counseling and Testing Center; Baptist Student Union; Catholic Student Organization
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Recommended Citation
University of Texas at Tyler, "UT Tyler Patriot Vol. 17 no. 2" (1987). The UT Tyler Patriot. 102.