"Patriot Talon ( Feb. 26, 2013 )" by Archives Account



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: Saturday Night Lights? ; Student Vote Could Bring Football Team; Student-Athletes, Faculty Debate Sport; High School Testing has Little Effect on Higher Ed; Student Organization Ready to Turn Vacant Space into Store; Capture Life-Enriching Inspiration; Increasing Minimum Wage isn’t the Answer; Spreading Joy for Humanity; University Student Travels to Malawi to Speak the Gospel; Rock Hill Baptist Church Members Take the Initiative to Witness to Poverty-Stricken Malawi People; University to Apply New Ethics Honor Code; University Career Comes with Scholarship; No Skills Required; Upscale, BYOB Paint Studio Comes to Tyler; Tyler Gallery Debuts ‘Abstraction’ Exhibition; Students do the (HARVEY) Shake’; Tracksters Roll at Opening Meet; Basketball Teams end Record-setting Seasons at ASC Tournament; Patriots Win Weekend Series at Home; All-American Thompson Targets National Mark; Admin. Seeking Donations for Music Building Expansion; Society Promotes Meditation, Stress Relief

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University of Texas at Tyler


Fee; cross country; TAKS; harvey deck; enactus; Rock hill Baptist Church; Danielle Bynum; cheating; Staff Scholarship; autumn stream; Pinot's Palette; abstract art; Harlem shake; swoop; track and field; Hardin-Simmons University; Louisiana College; Buck Thompson; mindfulness society

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Patriot Talon ( Feb. 26, 2013 )



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