"Patriot Talon (September 24, 2013)" by University of Texas at Tyler



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: Holding on to Hope; Election for SGA starts tomorrow; Professors support daughter's struggle against cancer; tutoring center opens to help students with academic stress; BEP construction budget falls short; What's going on with Syria? Why it's necessary to get involved; We shouldn't be too quick to bomb Syria; Planting the future; Students promote clean eating on campus; New office helps students to manage money; Programs catalog student activities; Being different is ok; The cost of skipping class; Around the world in 4 days; Fun at the Fair; Happy Trails?; Fall seasons for golf, tennis start off strong; Volleyball starts conference play 1-2; Patriot Profile: Cross-country runners Miles Zeorlin and Jeffery Henry; Men's soccer undefeated, women improve to 5-1; New University program tracks, verifies student service hours; E-cigarette use raises questions; CAP program will not be cancelled

Publication Date

Fall 9-24-2013


Student Government Association (SGA); Cancer; Construction; Tutoring; Syria; Clean Food; Student Money Management; Safe Haven; Folio 180; Film Festival; East Texas State Fair; Nature Trail; Golf; Tennis; Volleyball; Soccer; Miles Zeorlin; Jeffrey Henry; service hours; E-cigarette

Persistent identifier


Patriot Talon (September 24, 2013)



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