"Patriot Talon Vol. 45 Issue 4 (2012)" by Archives Account



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: Nursing, Bio. Plan Building Addictions; Debate Competes at Nationals; Research Funds Fuel Tobacco Ban Talks; Former Dean, Chair White Returns as New Provost; Administrators Seek Well System; Grad Student Gives Advice; Location Changes College Reality; Internet Platform Shakes Established Organizations; Local Band Makes Grades on Weekdays, Noise on Weekends; Theatre Production Highlights Themes of Family, Freedom; ‘Rampart’ Portrays Life of Corrupt Cop; Honors Students Volunteer to Process Food for Hungry; Deaf Student Shares Experience; Patriots Hit, Pitch Into Impressive Mid-Season Form; Tebowmania Baggage Heads to the Big Apple; Running Away with Records; Kniffen First Elected into Hall of Fame

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University of Texas at Tyler


Construction; national debate competition; cancer research; tobacco free; water use; power plant; Leach and Blake; play; Tyler Civic; East Texas Food Bank; language barrier; Michael Bryam; softball; track and field

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Patriot Talon Vol. 45 Issue 4 (2012)



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