"Patriot Talon (July 9, 2013)" by Archives Account



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: Leader of the Packs; Dubai Native Climbs Orientation Ladder from Freshman to in Charge; Cambridge Undergoes Changes; Apartment has New Name, Security, Rental Agreements; Ford Inaugural Recipient of College Award; Pharmacy School Gets Approval, Dean to be Hired; Don’t Waste Your Summer Being a Couch Potato; Academic Scheduling Doesn’t Have to be so Stressful, Scan that Degree Plan; Texas Filibuster: Democracy at its Finest; A Happy Hive & Home; Math Alumnus Uses Degree as Farmer to Provide for Family; East Texas Balloon Race Scheduled for Take off; Children’s Camps Serve Community for Summer Activities; Rare Exhibit Imported to Tyler; Local Museum Showcases Art Deco from Japan; Locals, Students Make Push for Fresh Food; A Year of Firsts for Pats; Football Vote Gains Campus Attention; Alumnus Shares Belize Study Aboard Experience

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University of Texas at Tyler


Village; Anna K Pecson; Neil Ford; biology; pharmacy program; John Mureiko; Bill Bussey; Tyler Museum of Art; Fair Market; fresh produce; golf; soccer; cross country; tennis; volleyball; baseball; basketball; softball; track and field; NCAA; Thomas Guderjan; Maya research

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Patriot Talon (July 9, 2013)



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