"Patriot Talon Vol. 45 Issue 6 (2012)" by Archives Account



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: SGA to Support Removing Tobacco; University Tuition to Increase; Graduating Students Apply Training to Life; Assisting in Fatal Car Wreck Shaped Careers; Officials Talk Changes in Journalism Degree Plans; Softball Succeeds in Regional Tournament; Live Intently Through Difficulty, Delight; Tips for Surviving Graduation; Benefits of Summer for Students; Local Photographers Describe Seamless, Surreal Photo Style; Jack White Covers Sonic Spectrum with Impressive Solo Debut Album; Students Row Concrete Canoe to National Race; Intelligent Horror Movie Triumphs Over Genre Issues; Dead Icons Revived by Technology; Patriots Head to Regionals, Teams Advance Through ASC Tourney, Look to Next Round; Team Ousted from Tournament; Patriot Athlete Pursue Pro Soccer Career; Patriots Head to Nationals, University Athletes Earn Gold Medals at ASC Meet

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University of Texas at Tyler


Board of Regents; tobacco-free; nursing students; softball championship; Department of Communication; Civil Engineering; tennis; baseball; track and field

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Patriot Talon Vol. 45 Issue 6 (2012)



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