"The Patriot Talon (July 16, 2018)" by University of Texas at Tyler



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: Breaking News! UT Tyler Accepted into NCAA Division II; Bike Share, Beware!; Meet the New Editor; Summer Blockbusters 14,000,605 different emotions; 14 years; Catch me if ya can!; It's getting hot in here; Dead in the Water; The iGen: On the Brink of a Mental Health Crisis; Do C's really get degrees? A closer look; Interest in inclusivity at UT Tyler; Free Parking: The Joys of nature that we are missing; Men and PERIOD; Bad Joke Corner!; A Rice thing to do; Summer sports success for The University of Texas at Tyler; Patriots baseball win it all in Wisconsin; Patriot Palooza August 2018.

Publication Date

Summer 7-16-2018


NCAA, Division II, bike share, caution, beware, Spin, student workers, editor, Samantha Quine, Blockbusters, 'Avengers Infinity War'; 'Incredibles 2', 'Tag', 'Fahrenheit 451', 'Deadpool 2', "IGeneration", Generation Z, Genz, iGen, mental health, depression, anxiety, social media, "C's get degrees", greek life, Omega Fi Si, Windel Withrow, mass communication, Explorers Academy USA, UT Tyler Period Campaign, freerice.com, baseball, softball, tennis, golf, Patriot Palooza

Persistent identifier


The Patriot Talon (July 16, 2018)



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