"Patriot Talon (Oct. 9, 2012)" by Archives Account



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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: President Mabry Could Receive $35K Bonus; Voter Registration Ends Today; Collegiate News Outlets Fight against Censorship; From the Classroom to Kuwait; When Life Smacks you in the Face; A Month Without Internet; Inheritance, Unforeseen Events Alter Aspirations; Muslim Community Reacts to ‘Innocent ’ Film; Campus Bomb Threats Raise Awareness of Response Policy; ‘L.A. Confidential ’ Never got its True Due; Wyeth Art Exhibitions Shows Generations of Genius; Campus Crime Data; Pats Win Al Jones Mem.; Women’s Soccer Continues 6-Game Winning Streak in ASC Matchups; Third Time not the Charm after Rangers Meltdown; Texas Tech Transfer Improves Patriot Roster Depth; Tennis Ends Fall Season in Regional Finals; Program Recruits High School Students to Help with Research

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University of Texas at Tyler


Bonus; president; newspapaers censorship; Ashley Sanchez; Jameshia Granberry; Innocence of Muslims; safety; Al Jones; Victorious; science; SEED

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Patriot Talon (Oct. 9, 2012)



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