
Central Line-Associated Bloodline Infection (CLABSI) is one of the hospital's costliest Hospital Acquired Conditions (HACs). CLABSI is associated with increased mortality, prolonged hospital stays, and increased patient care costs. Clinical decision support was the focus of this evidence-based practice project. After thoroughly searching the professional databases, 21 articles were retained for critical appraisal. An evidence-based plan was formulated to help determine the best and most timely interventions. The following PICOT was used for the basis of the literature search: In adult patients with a CVC inserted at the facility (P), how does the addition of a best practice alert for the CVC dressing change (I) compared to the current absence of a dressing change alert (C) affect CLABSI rates (O) over a three-month period (T)? In a multidisciplinary collaboration, the ZeroCLABSI committee planned and implemented multiple interventions. Due to the lack of Epic resources, the dressing change documentation change could not be implemented as part of the DNP project. The interventions promoted by the committee did reduce the CLABSI at the facility to below the goal of 50% reduction from 2021. The interventions will continue to be promoted by the Hospital-Acquired Infection Committee to help sustain the goal of reduced CLABSI at the hospital.

Date of publication

Spring 5-7-2024

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Gina Nickels-Nelson, DNP, FNP-BC, Lauri D. John, PhD, RN, CNS, Cheryl D. Parker, PhD, RN, NI-BC, CNE, ACUE


Doctor of Nursing Practice

Available for download on Thursday, May 07, 2026
