
More than 64 million people worldwide are affected by heart failure (HF), and overall costs related to HF have been projected to increase to $53.1 billion in 2030 (Savarese et al.,2022). Internal evidence from the acute care suburban hospital in which the project was planned supported the need to reduce the incidence of HF readmissions. The search for evidence to support the project was guided using the following PICOT question: In admitted adult patients experiencing HF(P), how does nurse-led standard discharge education (I), compared to current education practices (C), affect the incidence of 30-day readmissions (O) during a 90-day period? (T). A systematic search of the literature was conducted using specific inclusion criteria and the keywords heart failure, discharge readiness, nurse-led education, patient teaching, readmission, and rehospitalizations. Following critical appraisal of the evidence, 10 articles remained to form the body of evidence supporting the project. Based on the body of evidence, a nurse-led pre-discharge education project for HF patients was planned and implemented.

The practice project included two goals: 1) reduce 30-day HF readmissions by 3% and 2) improve patient perception of discharge readiness. After implementing a nurse-led discharge education program, outcomes for this nurse-led HF discharge education project included a 11% reduction in readmissions and a 16.6% increase in patient satisfaction for discharge. The outcomes support that nurse-led education can have a positive impact on discharge readiness
and satisfaction with care.

Date of publication

Spring 5-8-2024

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project (Local Access Only)



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Dr. Lauri John


Doctor of Nursing Practice

Available for download on Thursday, May 07, 2026
