
This project delves into the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare and nursing, focusing on the well-being of nurses within the context of acute care settings. Poor well-being leads to increased levels of burnout and the evidence-based practice project aimed to increase the perception of well-being.

The formulated PICOT question driving this project was: In acute care nurses (P), how does the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) program (I) compared to no Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) (C) impact nurses’ perception of well-being (O). The evidence substantiates that ACT interventions effectively elevate perceptions of well-being, as demonstrated through the utilization of diverse survey tools.

During the implementation phase an evidence-based intervention ACT was implemented over several weeks in a busy academic medical center in the Southeast, targeting nurses on medical units.

The outcomes demonstrated a substantial positive impact, elevating well-being perceptions from a pre-intervention mean score of 3.48 to 4.32 post-intervention on a 5-item Likert scale. Utilizing a rigorously designed survey by Sexton et al. (2018), the intervention focused on emotional resilience, addressing challenges, circumstances, setbacks, and fostering a positive view. In busy nursing units, the ACT-based intervention proved effective, enhancing the resiliency of nurses and healthcare workers. These outcomes highlight the pivotal role of evidence-based interventions in creating a supportive work environment. The project also demonstrated the ease of sustainability of such practices, asserting their enduring impact on healthcare professionals' well-being and, consequently, the quality of patient care.

Date of publication

Spring 5-9-2024

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Dr. Cheryl Parket, Dr. Gina Nickels-Nelson, Dr Lauri John


Doctor of Nursing Practice

Available for download on Saturday, May 09, 2026
