"The Effects of Perceived Organizational Justice of Inclusive Talent Ma" by Thomas Kramer


Talent management is an immature but growing topic for both researchers and practitioners. The academic literature identifies two conflicting approaches to talent management which vary in their level of inclusivity of employees. Researchers have concentrated on the exclusive approach, which identifies a small percentage of the workforce eligible for talent management initiatives. Through the lens of organizational justice, these studies have evaluated the individual and organization-level outcomes of the exclusive approach but have neglected the outcomes for those not selected for inclusion. This study sought to empirically assess a theoretical model that hypothesized a moderated mediation effect of organizational justice on the relationship between inclusive talent management practices and work effort. Latent moderated structural equation modeling was used as a more robust and rigorous approach relative to the more commonly used multiple regression approach. As hypothesized, and based on the relevant literature, more inclusive talent management practices led to increased perceptions of distributive justice. Distributive justice was found to mediate the relationship between inclusive talent management practices and work effort. Procedural justice was found to moderate the relationship between distributive justice and work effort such that distributive justice had a greater effect on work effort when perceptions of procedural justice were low. Implications for theory, research, and practice were discussed.

Date of publication

Summer 7-15-2021

Document Type




Persistent identifier


Committee members

Kim Nimon, Andrea Ellinger, Paul Roberts


Doctor of Philosphy in Human Resource Development
