
The Quick Service Restaurant industry has historically struggled with poor management, low compensation, and high employee turnover, which inevitably affect business results (White, 1995; Zuber, 2001). Service management theory and the service-profit chain literature have offered initial support for a framework in which employee attitudes and behaviors influence performance and customer perceptions of service, which in turn affect financial results. This research includes an examination of utilizing the employee engagement construct as a method of measuring restaurant performance indirectly through productivity measures and customer perceptions within the service-profit chain. The researcher performed a quantitative analysis of data from a cross-sectional survey at a national quick service restaurant organization and drew conclusions from the data.

Date of publication

Fall 10-11-2016

Document Type

Dissertation (Local Only Access)



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Ann Gilley, Ph.D.; Robert Jones, Ph.D.; Jerry Gilley, Ph.D.; Paul Roberts, Ph.D.


Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Development
