Event Title

APA 7th edition: The “Big 10”

Streaming Media

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Many changes were introduced in 2019-2020, including the 7th edition of the APA manual. In this workshop, we will discuss the big ideas of these changes. In addition, the “Big 10,” which is a list of the most common APA errors noted by previous researchers, will be presented as a strategy for learning the most frequently used APA guidelines. Participants will leave with an editing checklist and an understanding of APA 7th edition.


APA, Citations

Persistent Identifier




APA 7th edition: The “Big 10”

Many changes were introduced in 2019-2020, including the 7th edition of the APA manual. In this workshop, we will discuss the big ideas of these changes. In addition, the “Big 10,” which is a list of the most common APA errors noted by previous researchers, will be presented as a strategy for learning the most frequently used APA guidelines. Participants will leave with an editing checklist and an understanding of APA 7th edition.