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The official newspaper for the University of Texas at Tyler before it was changed back to the UT Tyler Patriot. Articles in this issue include: A Lasting Impact; Accident raises safety concerns, University student hit by car while crossing Varsity Drive; In honor of Andrea Sloan; Campus police investigate sexual assault at Ornelas Hall; Vice President of University Advancement retires; Long. Live. Liberty.; Traveling provides connections that go beyond social media; Don't light a joint yet, What House Bill 507 means for Texans; Healthy Transformations, Student loses 40 pounds, continues to transition to a healthier lifestyle; Curbside dining coming to Tyler; University to sponsor Darwin Day events; Chemistry professor elected to state scientific academy; Big names take center stage, Cowan Center offers diverse performances with free student tickets; 'Treasure Island' brings pirates, swords to stage; 'Selma' brings Martin Luther King Jr.'s message of equality to forefront; 6 must-have apps to start your semester; New Section: Technology; University hosts elementary robotics competition; Free Microsoft Office downloads for students, faculty, staff; Free video-conference technology now available; Obach contributing in big ways on court she grew up on; Dusting off the diamonds, Experience, depth will be keys to softball's team success this year; New England will win a close one in Super Bowl XLIX; Baseball team looks to rebound from disappointing season in 2014; Patriot Profile: Rios matches career high with 33 points against Mary Hardin-Baylor; Spring season filled with promise, high expectations; Local judge brings life experiences to classroom; Program eases transition of Tyler Junior College students to the University.
Publication Date
Winter 1-27-2015
Andrea Sloan, Ovarian Cancer, Safety, Varsity Drive, crosswalk, Sexual Assault, Ornelas Hall, University advancement, Jerre Iversen, marijuana, connetions, travel, France, Charlie Hebdo, Taneshia Williams, healthy lifestyle, food trucks, Chester Kruse, Hotel St. Vinzent, Hotel, Accident, Charles Darwin, Dr. Neil Gray, Nicholas Sparks, Ringo Starr, KODO, Treasure Island, Selma, Martin Luther King Jr., education apps, Studying, Job Fair, VEX Skyrise Qualifying Tournament, Innovation Academy, Microsoft Office, Zoom, Michelle Obach, Basketball, Softball, New England, Super Bowl, Baseball, Chris Rios, Tennis, Judge Cynthia Stevens Kent, retire, Tyler Junior College (TJC), fundraising
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Recommended Citation
University of Texas at Tyler, "The Patriot Talon (January 27, 2015)" (2015). The Patriot Talon/The Patriot. 192.