"DNP Final Report: Promoting the Self-Efficacy of Caregivers of Childre" by Malorie Brooks


Epilepsy is considered a widespread chronic illness, and it is estimated that approximately 1% of all children have the condition. Parents and caregivers of children with seizures experience fear and anxiety relative to their perceived confidence to manage their child's seizures after leaving the hospital. Evidence supports the use of simulation to educate caregivers to improve their perceived level of self-efficacy. The DNP Scholarly Project examined the impact of utilizing a simulation training session on the self-efficacy of caregivers of children with seizures at a large pediatric medical center in the southern United States. Caregivers of children with newly diagnosed seizures or with a recent change to their seizure treatment plan attended a simulation training session individualized to their discharge instructions. Demographic data, pre and post-training self-efficacy measurements, and program satisfaction data were collected. Caregivers who participated during the 3-month implementation period experienced a statistically significant increase in self-efficacy (p < .0001 to 0.002) and reported being satisfied with the simulation education training. The project outcomes suggested simulation training was an effective method for improving the self-efficacy of caregivers of children with seizures and could be a feasible practice change in organizations with access to simulation technology. The outcomes of the project aligned with the evidence available in the literature. The results reinforced that education that includes simulated learning opportunities was generally well received by caregivers and may improve their confidence to care for their child after discharge.

Date of publication

Spring 5-7-2024

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Cheryl Parker, Lauri John


Doctor of Nursing Practice

Available for download on Saturday, May 09, 2026
