"DNP Final Report: HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV) VACCINE CAMPAIGN" by Joanna Schnupp Imperial


HPV vaccines reduce the risk of cervical dysplasia and injury associated with the treatment of invasive cervical dysplasia and cancer. Reproductive health care includes gynecologic exams across the lifespan. Health providers do not promote HPV immunizations to adults during reproductive care, increasing the risk of HPV-related dysplasia and cancer. Based on the appraisal of the literature, what is the best strategy to encourage the healthcare team to promote and administer HPV vaccines, thereby increasing the HPV immunization rates and decreasing missed opportunities? A critical appraisal of the literature and the evidence-based interventions that increase adult and pediatric immunizations is presented. Translation and implementation of a multimodal intervention in community gynecology practice will be summarized along with planned data collection and analysis. The HPV Vaccine Campaign project outcome analysis, synthesis, and evaluation will follow. The scholarly project will conclude with a summary of the project's impact and sustainability.

Date of publication

Spring 5-7-2024

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Gina M. Nickels-Nelson, Christine S. Gipson, Lauri D. John


Doctor of Nursing Practice

Available for download on Monday, May 07, 2029
