"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevent Nurse Burnout In sub-Saharan A" by Anna C. Johnson


Overall, burnout prevention has been shown to foster nurse resilience, ability to cope with stressors, teamwork, and improving the personal value of “doing good” and “being good”; the effects have been shown to last between 6 months and one year. The current evidence is strong enough to recommend a change to current nursing practice via annual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) trainings to strengthen nurse resilience.

This researcher proposes to implement a CBT-based burnout prevention program in Ghana’s capital of Accra in sub-Saharan West Africa. There is ample evidence that African nurses face many of the same burnout issues that nurses in the USA face. However, because the health care system in West Africa has fewer resources, burnout may disproportionately burden the hospitals in Ghana. Implementing a 9-week course of 1-hour weekly sessions of CBT-based mindfulness classes, with daily “homework,” is expected to improve the mental health of nurses at a large medical center (LMC), as well as other health care workers (HCW) who will participate.

Date of publication

Spring 4-28-2024

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Master of Science in Nursing Education

Included in

Nursing Commons
