"Increased Venous Access with Ultrasound Guided Ultralong IV Placement" by Daniel Purifoy


Maintaining intravenous (IV) access is a vital part of providing care in critical care areas of nursing. It allows for continuous therapies, blood draws, complicated scans, and emergency treatment when needed. There are current procedures for obtaining IV access that are guaranteed to have a successful attempt and placement of a long catheter in a deeper vein. Patients that have been determined to have difficult venous access have proven to lose access quickly with an IV catheter of less than 3.18cm in length (Moy & Keeyapaj, 2017). These difficulties can cause monetary loss to the patients and hospitals, and damage to patients when the short IV catheters infiltrate and extravasate treatment into an extremity (Lim, 2019; Bahl, 2023). To determine the impact of venous access in patient with difficult venous access, the research question was asked: In difficult venous access (DVA) patients that need intravenous (IV) catheter access in the hospital, does using an ultralong catheter (6 cm) and extended dwell catheter (EDC) (6-8 cm) by ultrasound-guided assistance compared to a standard (3.18 cm) to standard long (4.5 cm) IV catheter placement with landmarks result in higher rates of catheter survival with fewer attempts at IV placement measured in patients over a 3-month period?

This research question guided the direction of this evidence-based change project. The goal of this project is to protect patients from complications associated with IV access and provide the best possible experience for both patients and providers.

Date of publication

Spring 4-22-2024

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters of Science in Nursing

IV Access PPT.pdf (2067 kB)
Ultrasound IV Access
