
Over the last two decades, patient-centered care has been identified as a core principle for healthcare (McKeown et al., 2023). Patient-centered care has been shown to reduce overall healthcare costs, improve patient outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction (Figueroa et al., 2016; Köberich et al., 2016; McKeown et al., 2023; Araki, 2019; Morgan & Yoder, 2012). Although patient-centered care is universally recognized as an essential aspect of healthcare, there is no universally defined definition of it or how to implement it (Rassouli, et al., 2020).

Studies have shown that most patients, if given the opportunity, overwhelmingly want to be involved in their daily plan of care decisions (Araki, 2019; Jerofke-Owen & Bull, 2018; Morgan & Yoder, 2012). Some patients may be too sick to participate in the plan of care choices, while others may be unwilling to do so (Castellà‐Creus et al., 2019; Jerofke-Owen & Bull, 2018).

This benchmark study will provide simple, concrete steps to improve patient-centered care in inpatient hospital units. It will facilitate communication between patients and staff and empower them to partner in their care. Instead of broadly discussing patient-centered care, this project will provide specific steps to help nurses better include patient-centered care objectives as part of the daily plan of care formulation.

Date of publication

Winter 11-7-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier




Included in

Nursing Commons
