"Implementation of Coping Strategies for Compassion Fatigue Through Cou" by Caleb R. Turner


Many healthcare organizations are struggling to retain nurses due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding common reasons for decreased retention in nursing begins with evaluating job satisfaction and how it can be affected (Cuartero-Castañer, 2021). Compassion Fatigue (CF) and Burnout (BO) are two leading causes of decreased job satisfaction (Compassion Satisfaction (CS)). The Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQoL) (see Appendix C) is designed to identify individuals at higher risk of CF and BO. Using this scale in conjunction with the Peer-Support coaches in the hospital setting allows nurses to have conversations and communicate effectively with coaches trained to have productive conversations after traumatic experiences in the workplace.

With no cost of implementation and existing staff to carry out the intervention, this project has the potential to drastically reduce the nurse turnover problem that is affecting the entire healthcare industry with only minor alterations to existing job expectations. Patient safety will always be the top priority in the hospital setting, and with CS playing such a significant role in BO and CF, hospital executives should be encouraged to implement this change as an early intervention for retaining nurses for safe staffing ratios. The PICOT question that will be used for the implementation of CF reduction strategies is as follows: In nurses struggling with compassion fatigue (P), how does attending counseling (I) as opposed to not attending counseling (C) improve their quality of life (O) in a 4-week period (T)?

Date of publication

Winter 12-4-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters in Nursing Administration

Capstone EV Powerpoint.pptx (14833 kB)
Capstone Powerpoint
