"Vaginal Preparation in Cesarean Delivery to Decrease Surgical Site Inf" by Angelica Ware


This benchmark project intends to decrease the rate of surgical site infections related to cesarean procedures with vaginal preparation through an evidence-based approach. Vaginal preparation is a simple technique that cleanses the vaginal walls by removing microorganisms. The goal of the benchmark project is to promote the implementation of a vaginal preparation policy across any healthcare facility that performs cesarean procedures. Vaginal preparation is intended for scheduled cases, add-on cases, and urgent cases. The benchmark study does not include emergent cesarean deliveries, as vaginal preparation is at the discretion of the physician in those cases.

The topic of surgical site infections has been around for more than a decade. However, with the increasing number of cesarean deliveries, the rate of surgical site infections is also increasing. Many efforts have been made to decrease the incidence of surgical site infections in cesarean delivery; however, evidence shows that further work is still needed. Improved operating room ventilation, sterilization methods, barriers, surgical techniques, and antimicrobial prophylaxis are advances that have been made to promote infection control (ACOG, 2018). According to Berríos-Torres et al., (2017), approximately half of surgical site infections are deemed preventable using evidence-based strategies.

Date of publication

Fall 11-27-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters in Nursing Administration

Presentation2.pptx (494 kB)
Power Point Slides
