"Improving the Mental Health of Nursing Students by Utilizing a Serenit" by Megan E. Taylor


Research findings consistently show that even though improvements have been made through the years, there is much more work to be done concerning mental health nationwide, especially in nursing. Nurses are the front-line workers in healthcare and face challenging times daily. Mental health-related issues in nursing have increased on a national level since the COVID-19 pandemic (Xiong et al., 2022). A more significant nursing shortage will likely occur without drastic change and support for nurses’ well-being.

The purpose of this paper is to describe a benchmark Capstone project. This benchmark study was conducted with the goal of improving nursing students overall mental health. Effective management of mental health is essential when preparing to become a future nurse. Without the proper tools, support, and knowledge to manage one’s mental health, there is a greater chance of inadequate management when caring for patients, as it usually heightens stress. The literature was searched to determine the best evidence-based interventions for improving nursing students’ mental health. An intervention to implement a serenity room on a university campus was chosen.

Quantitative and qualitative descriptive data will be gathered through a Qualtrics software program obtaining pre- and post-intervention surveys. Data from the surveys will be imported into IBM SPSS statistical software and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for analysis. Although this is a benchmark study and no results have been officially obtained, evidence supports that the inclusion of a serenity room will likely be beneficial. Future recommendations include sustaining this intervention by establishing a team to manage and maintain the room and ultimately growing the population to include all nursing students throughout an entire program. Future studies will allow collection of more research data to learn about the effects and benefits of using a serenity room in a nursing school setting.

Date of publication

Fall 12-4-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Master of Science in Nursing Education

Included in

Nursing Commons
