
Healthcare technology is constantly evolving to find ways to help provide better outcomes for patients. Clinical monitoring is technology that helps healthcare staff recognize deterioration of the patient which allows them to intervene earlier, which increases the patient’s chance for survival. The monitors are connected to the patients to monitor vital signs such as heart rate, oxygen saturation, respirations, and blood pressures. They allow staff to get real time feedback of the patient’s condition and determine if the patient is getting better or any interventions need to be done due to clinical deterioration.

However, all technology has setbacks and downfalls. Clinical monitoring is no exception. Staff that are around clinical monitoring can experience alarm fatigue due to the excessive noise and high frequency of false alarms. The fatigue can cause them to miss important alarms as they become conditioned to believe that the alarm is false. This can be very dangerous to patients as it can cause poor outcomes such as injury or death due to the lack of interventions.

Date of publication

Summer 8-1-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters of Science in Nursing - Education

Included in

Nursing Commons
