
In the inpatient setting, Parkland Health & Hospital System has continued to have patient falls with injury above its target goal. This occurred every month throughout 2019. Additionally, multiple egregious IV medication administration errors occurred over the last year related to nurses bypassing established safety practices.

An evaluation of evidence-based literature reveals that the practice of bedside shift report (BSR) leads to a reduction in both patient falls and medication administration errors. Indeed, BSR is evidence-based practice (EBP) that promotes an overall environment of safety, quality care, and improved communication between nurses and patients. Additionally, there is virtually no risk or increased cost of making this practice change as the process of shift report between nurses already exists. It simply changes the location of an existing process and involves the patient in his or her own plan of care, which is at the heart of nursing.

Date of publication

Spring 4-26-2020

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



MSN Administration


Here is the audio clip: https://uttyler.zoom.us/rec/share/5JVuPaH5_TNLbpGcxxzAS_AND4_eX6a8gCAW_PsOzk2CPanm_w0ykf5jAPquG_na Password: 5K##9.Tc
