"Importance in Decreasing Blood Culture Contaminations" by Jannery Valdelamar


Blood culture collection was a skill introduced while in nursing school. We are all human and make mistakes, and sometimes errors are made. Blood culture contamination happens. It happens even more in hectic departments like Emergency Department and Intense Care Unit. The American Society for Microbiology and Clinical Laboratory Standard have recommended that the %3 should be the overall rate for blood contamination rate (Center for Disease Control, 2023). In the current facility that I am in, blood culture contamination is an enormous issue. The facility rate is 9.3%, the Emergency Department was 11.3%, and the Phlebotomy was 5.2%. Multiple interventions were introduced to the staff, and others were brought up. Management barriers cost and employee satisfaction. The Emergency Department is already busy, and adding more tasks could increase staff stress. In a facility that is already concerned with expenses, it was scary to introduce a device that could possibly help decrease the blood contamination rate.

With committees, colleges can work harder, increase engagement, and find better solutions, and was reflected in this facility (Rehill,221). Employees from the lab, quality, management, and even IT came to speak with the Emergency Department to develop solutions. It was refreshing seeing many departments working together. It gave hope that there would be an improvement in the blood culture contamination rates.

Date of publication

Spring 4-17-2023

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier




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