
Incorporating debriefing periods after critical incidents could alleviate the stress and emotional burden, yet many hospitals fail to implement debriefing. This project's scope is to implement debriefing sessions after critical events using a debriefing tool. When creating a policy, it is essential to look at the preferences and values of those it aims to help. Forty-three percent of hospital nurses experience emotional exhaustion symptoms (Reith, 2018). There is a critical shortage of healthcare professionals that has only grown since the pandemic. Therefore, it is vital that hospitals set up an individualized debriefing tool that staff will use to help aid in debriefing post-critical events with a goal of reducing staff burnout, turnover rates, and the financial burden on the organization. The aim of this project is to answer the following PICOT: In new graduate nurses (P), how does critical incident debriefing (I) compared to no debriefing at all (C) affect burnout and retention (O) within the first six months of nursing(T)?

Date of publication

Fall 12-4-2022

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project (Local Access)



Persistent identifier



Masters of Nursing
