
When it comes to hospital-acquired infections, whether the hospital has implemented best-practice infection control measures, whether it has introduced best practice infection control measures, or whether it will be held vicariously liable for negligent or intentional failures by staff to follow the infection control measures in place, is the determining factor. If a hospital and its administrators fail to develop or implement best practice infection control methods, resulting in patient harm, they may be held directly liable. Patients may be held vicariously liable if hospital employees fail to comply with infection control measures implemented by the hospital during the course and scope of their employment (McQuoid-Mason, 2012).

Date of publication

Fall 12-10-2021

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Neal Ziedan




Healthcare workers' awareness of healthcare-associated infection prevention and adoption of hand hygiene guidelines should be raised through the use of environmental, organizational, and communication strategies in conjunction with one another as part of an inter-professional collaborative team-based approach to improve patient outcomes, decrease the incidence rate of healthcare-associated infections, and save the hospital organization money along the way.

Included in

Nursing Commons
