"Yoga as an Intervention for Nurse Burnout" by Taylor Baugh


Nursing is a demanding career, both mentally and physically, so finding ways to decompress and cope with such a job is essential. The main objective of this review is to discover the best evidence available to determine the effect of yoga on burnout in nurses. Outcomes from all keeper studies conclude that implementing yoga into practice increases nurses’ mindfulness, self-care, and coping ability while decreasing emotional exhaustion, burnout, and stress, consequently, increasing the quality of patient care provided. It is imperative that hospitals and healthcare administrators prioritize nurses’ physical and mental health, for nurse retention, cost savings related to decreased nurse turnover, and, most importantly, quality of patient care. The evidence concludes that yoga implementation is a safe, effective, and cost-efficient method to decrease burnout in nurses. Further research should be conducted to increase generalizability through larger sample sizes and more diverse sample groups.

Date of publication

Winter 12-5-2021

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters in Nursing

Included in

Nursing Commons
