"Implementing Modern Management in Nursing" by Ashley E. Hall


Throughout the recent years, there has been occurrence of massive nursing shortages across the country. While there are many explanations as to why these shortages could be occurring, one very common explanation is that of poor leadership. As it now stands, the training for new leaders is a “trial by fire” style of orientation. New leaders either have a short training period consisting of minor introductions and gathering of various system access, or no training for their new position whatsoever. This style of orientation leads to poor outcomes for the leader as well as the team they are put in charge of. These new leaders, with no background in leadership and minimal support in their new role, may revert to the traditional tactics of managing people. The leader without leadership training will do the basics, enforce the rules and regulations of the organization. While this is major portion of their new role, without proper training the new leader reverts to managing people as a dictator, without compassion, understanding and empathetic thinking. This outdated way of management leads to poor morale amongst teams, decreased job satisfaction as well as increased turnover. Introducing new leaders to their new roles with an inclusive orientation is one way to ensure strong leadership.

The current and trending style of leadership is still primarily that of the outdated dictatorship. With education and training put into place for new leadership orientation, strong transformational leaders can be developed. Hospital organizations have the responsibility of developing nursing leadership, and nurse leaders have a responsibility to caregivers to foster engagement in nursing. Training and adoption of this transformational leadership style can have major effects on nursing job satisfaction and burnout. These leaders encourage caregivers to accomplish goals through motivation, they consider the individual, and find innovative solutions to promote positive nurse emotions (Wei et al., 2020). All of these actions help to build a trusting relationship between nurses and their leaders. This trust creates a healthy and positive work environment. Therefore, it is imperative for organizations to develop their leaders and encourage them to adopt a more modern, transformational leadership approach.

Date of publication

Spring 3-30-2021

Document Type

MSN Capstone Project



Persistent identifier



Masters in Nursing Administration
