
Problem: Leadership is a fundamental position within nursing creating positive and efficient work environments. Leadership has been shown to effect turnover rates and burnout of staff nurses, therefore, necessitating further research to ensure good future nursing leaders.

Purpose: The purpose of this body of work was to identify a relationship between leadership self-efficacy, resilience, and moral courage among nurses.

Research Question: What are the relationships among resilience, moral courage, and leadership self-efficacy in nurses?

Methods: A cross-sectional, correlational study was conducted. The University of Texas at Tyler graduate nursing school and a Texas Nurse group were the pool of study participants. Data were collected via a Qualtrics survey link to the instruments which included: Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Moral Courage Scale for Physicians, and the Leadership Self-Efficacy Scale.

Analysis: Multiple regression analysis and Pearson r correlation were conducted to determine the relationships among the independent and dependent variables.

Results: Data indicated that the models were not statistically significant: R2 = .20; F(1, 37) = 1.30; p = .261. It was found that CD-RISC-10 and MCSP did not significantly predict LSE. The Pearson r correlation found a statistically significant positive relationship between LSE and CDRISC- 10, but no significant relationships between LSE and MCSP or MCSP and CD-RISC-10.

Conclusion: There was no significant relationship found between all three variables in this study. The research question is still pertinent to nursing. It is suggested that further study be conducted with a larger sample size and different eligibility criteria for leaders.

Date of publication

Spring 4-27-2023

Document Type

Dissertation (Local Only Access)



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Danice B. Greer, Kerri Camp, Valerie Miller


PhD in Nursing

Available for download on Monday, April 28, 2025
