"The Lived Experience of Indonesian Nursing Faculty Participating in a " by Joan Elaine Edwards


Problem: In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) published global standards for initial education of professional nurses and midwives. Curriculum revision is challenging; but even more difficult in developing countries such as Indonesia. Faculty may not be equipped educationally and experientially for the educator role. Indonesian nursing curricula are not currently based on the 2009 WHO global standards. Purpose: To understand the lived experience of Indonesian nursing faculty participating in curriculum revision based on 2009 World Health Organization global standards. Design: A mixed descriptive and interpretive phenomenological qualitative research approach, based on van Manne's methodology. Participants: Thirty-seven nursing faculty from four schools of nursing, representing private and government, diploma and baccalaureate Indonesian nursing programs. Two focus group sessions (pre-revision and near-end revision) were held at each nursing program. Setting: Jakarta and Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Analysis: Transcriptions from audio-taped focus-group interviews were analyzed using van Manen's three-pronged phenomenological thematic analysis approach. Findings: Themes identified were: (a) perceptions/feelings about curriculum revision, (b) past and current experience with curricula revision, (c) perceptions of the WHO curriculum revision process (benefits, obstacles and resources to facilitate), and (d) advice for the researcher in facilitating the process and for WHO regarding the 2009 WHO global standard document. Conclusion: Ongoing communication with faculty can yield valuable insight for project success. Curriculum revisions can be complex and difficult. It is of great importance to have a comprehensive understanding from the participants’ viewpoint regarding factors impacting curriculum revision.

Date of publication

Fall 12-19-2012

Document Type




Persistent identifier


Included in

Nursing Commons
