Event Title

Civil Rights Violations

Presenter Information

Charles Taylor HaskellFollow


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Faculty Mentor

Dr. Colin Snider

Document Type

Oral Presentation

Date of Publication



Human equality is a set of rights that Americans have continued to fight for since the country’s inception. Racism and social inequality have continued to divide our country, despite numerous civil rights movements. The purpose of this paper is to review the violations of past African American Civil Rights, acknowledging the past might help prevent us from repeating civil rights violations in the future. Past events that will be evaluated include, Jim Crow Laws, separate but equal, protest sit-ins, freedom rides, and other social movements in the early 1960s that paved the way towards social justice and racial equality and helped change the way of life for African Americans and their futures.


Civil Rights Violations

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Apr 16th, 10:00 AM Apr 16th, 11:00 AM

Civil Rights Violations

Human equality is a set of rights that Americans have continued to fight for since the country’s inception. Racism and social inequality have continued to divide our country, despite numerous civil rights movements. The purpose of this paper is to review the violations of past African American Civil Rights, acknowledging the past might help prevent us from repeating civil rights violations in the future. Past events that will be evaluated include, Jim Crow Laws, separate but equal, protest sit-ins, freedom rides, and other social movements in the early 1960s that paved the way towards social justice and racial equality and helped change the way of life for African Americans and their futures.