
This dissertation argues that in today’s changing and uncertain business environment, the success of an organization can be influenced by the organization’s ability to harness team-level feedback behaviors as drivers for organizational performance. This study illustrates this argument by conducting a stream of inquiry on higher-order cognitive capacities. Learning as cognition, critical thinking, sensemaking, and social identity were studied as output behaviors from the cognitive interplay of team-based activity. Then, rooted in a view of human capital theory, each higher-order cognitive output behavior was conceptually explored for successive benefit on individual human capital and a model for each benefit provided. From here, an aggregated conceptual model and definition of successive human capital was introduced that illustrates a potential mechanism for team-based effects on individual human capital as a proxy for organizational performance. Last, implications for theoretical development and human resource development practice are discussed.

Date of publication

Winter 11-4-2020

Document Type




Persistent identifier


Committee members

Rochell McWhorter PhD, Judy Sun PhD, Leanne Coyne PhD


PhD in Human Resource Development
