Panel Presentation: Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship in Community and Engineering Sciences

Start Date

11-4-2022 1:30 PM

End Date

11-4-2022 2:00 PM

Date of Publication


Document Type



Shih-Feng Chou, PhD - Engineered Drug-Eluting Microfibers for Controlled Delivery In Topical Applications

Mena Souliman, PhD - Serving East-Texas Rural Transportation Needs

Shawana Tabassum, PhD - Crop-FIT: Technology to Support Integrated Wearable Fitness Trackers for Plants


Engineering, transportation, wearable fitness trackers

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Apr 11th, 1:30 PM Apr 11th, 2:00 PM

Panel Presentation: Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship in Community and Engineering Sciences

Shih-Feng Chou, PhD - Engineered Drug-Eluting Microfibers for Controlled Delivery In Topical Applications

Mena Souliman, PhD - Serving East-Texas Rural Transportation Needs

Shawana Tabassum, PhD - Crop-FIT: Technology to Support Integrated Wearable Fitness Trackers for Plants