Panel Presentation: Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship in Education Sciences

Start Date

11-4-2022 1:00 PM

End Date

11-4-2022 1:30 PM

Date of Publication


Document Type



Michael Barnett, PD - Using Virtual Reality to Improve Neuropsychological Assessment Older Adults

Jo Ann Simmons, PhD - Mental Health and the Growing Needs in K-12

Chris Thomas, PhD - COVID-19 and University Enrollment


virtual reality, mental health, K-12 schools, university enrollment

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Apr 11th, 1:00 PM Apr 11th, 1:30 PM

Panel Presentation: Research, Innovation, Entrepreneurship in Education Sciences

Michael Barnett, PD - Using Virtual Reality to Improve Neuropsychological Assessment Older Adults

Jo Ann Simmons, PhD - Mental Health and the Growing Needs in K-12

Chris Thomas, PhD - COVID-19 and University Enrollment