
Background: Research evidence supports that increasing physical activity has been shown to reduce weight and prevent weight regain after bariatric surgery. There is currently no specific exercise recommendation or program at the Center for Metabolic and Weight Loss Surgery at Dallas.

Objective: To implement an evidence-based project surrounding physical activity to reduce weight regain in patients 12 months post bariatric surgery.

Methods: The 12-week program will consist of 3 times weekly 1 hour virtual exercise classes led by the Nurse Practitioner and/or Nurse. Patients will be screened for current physical activity via survey using the IPAQ at the beginning and end of the 12-week intervention. Demographic information such as weight will also be asked at the beginning, and end of the intervention.

Results: The patients that completed all 3 of the weekly classes lost weight. Only 2 of the 7 patients completed all 3 weekly classes. The rest of the participants gained weight.

Implications for Practice: This quality improvement project will help to improve postoperative care and focus on implementing current exercise recommendations specific to postoperative bariatric surgery patients found within the evidence.

Date of publication

Spring 5-3-2022

Document Type

DNP Scholarly Project



Persistent identifier


Committee members

Cheryl Parker, Lauri John


Doctor of Nursing Practice
